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Posted by nodaksnakelover on April 03, 2003 at 12:17:07:

In Reply to: More on no incubation incubating, please posted by Carl_A on April 03, 2003 at 11:43:45:

I've hatched corn snakes the last three years without an incubator. What I do is I place a thermometer within the tupperware container where the eggs are. I set the eggs in moistened vermiculite and usually it stays plenty humid enough through incubation. The female will lay the eggs, climb back out the hole in the lid and I simply replace the lid with a hole in it with a lid with no hole and the temp inside the container is watched to make sure it doesn't go too high. And the eggs cool somewhat at night when the mother's heat goes off. They cycle in nature, so why not do it close to that? Haven't had a problem! No incubator used.
Russell Keys

:This thread has me thinking, and I'm curious now about not using an incubator for my snakes, all colubrids.

:So do you just mist the eggs occasionally or moisten the medium? And do you move them from the top of the fridge to the floor when temps hit, say 85? I realize some fluctuation in temps is natural, but what are the ranges? New York got pretty hot last summer, and my apt. had to be in the high 90s at times.

:My biggest problem with incubating eggs in my homemade set-up is that I get fruit flies that also use the medium to lay their eggs.

:Thanks all,

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