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poor baby :(

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Posted by Thera on May 14, 2003 at 21:48:38:

Today I was candling my nearly 2 month old dragon eggs when i picked up one and noticed it starting to leak. it had a very small pin prick hole in it. I don't know how I accomplished doing that, but I was very sad. Knowing the baby was going to die anyway, I openned the egg so I could see how big the babies were getting. The poor thing. I could see it's heart beating. I felt so bad for it. It never got a chance. :(

luckily there are 15 brothers and sister left in it's clutch and 15 more that are from a younger clutch. I still feel awful :(

I do find it humorous that everytime I check the eggs in the incubator their mom always looks at me with daggers in her eyes. I think it's mostly jealousy, but it's fun to pretend that she knows I am going near her babies.

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