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Pumpkin won't stop digging

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Posted by flammingcat on May 07, 2003 at 23:56:57:

In Reply to: Pumpkin won't stop digging posted by georgio on May 07, 2003 at 16:01:02:

I'am no expert at the egg thing, I just had my first (real) clutch, but one of my females started digging so much she was actually driving me crazy, I kept feeling for eggs and never felt any, she wasn't even all that fat, about 2 wks later she laid 18 eggs!!! She has never mated so I knew they were not fertile, and I never did feel any, then 2 wks after that the other female that was in the same tank did the same thing, she is fat anyhow, I never felt any eggs, sure she laid eggs also, she was never mated and only about 11 mths, she laid 16...all this time though I never felt an egg,so I wonder since the ones that are fertile are so much bigger and plump, and the ones that were not fertile were small and soft if they can just hide them in there? I have no clue why they both laid, they have never even been around a male, I think they could see him, if that makes a maybe you ought to fix something up for her to lay...Also I wanted to say you have the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen!!!! I'm sure you already know that though :)
Good-luck with her

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