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Zoomed UV bulbs

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Posted by -ryan- on May 06, 2003 at 21:29:43:

In Reply to: Zoomed UV bulbs posted by gigaber on May 06, 2003 at 18:53:04:

It's not a mercury vapor bulb, it's this one:

I don't think it lasted 2,000 hours.


::I just got a new basking lamp yesterday. The white zoomed one like I had before (for some reason it burned out in less than 6 monthes, but I like the bulbs, so I'll try again). But this time he gave me a 150 watt, since I have the little slider light dimmer thing to regulate temperatures. I have it in a dome fixture on a lamp stand hovering above the screen (I have to have it on the stand, because the bulb is so big it pokes out about an inch at the bottom of the fixture). So I have been trying to get the temperatures right since I used to have a 100 watt. With this new bulb I have to have it about 3 inches away from the top, and less than halfway turned up on the dimmer thing. So it is a little dimmer than the 100 watt, and still almost hotter. I also just realized that the probe on my thermometer is wrong (I think, I don't think the actual thermometer is wrong) so when I have the probe and the thermometer in the same place, the part for the probe reads about 125 degrees F, while the thermometer part reads like 112. This is at the hottest part in the tank, which isn't even the highest part of the tank, it's the part that the light is directly over.

::So, is it too dim or something?


:Those $80 bulbs have an incandescent part and a mercury vapor bulb with it's own balast. I don't think dimmers work on things like flouresent bulbs due to the gas discharge, so I'd be a little bit careful of using the dimmer in that circuit. The reason being is that you may be dimming the incandescent, but not the MV (source of all the short wave UV). In other words, you might be changing the spectral content of the light. If the light looks bluer as you dim it, that's probably the case.

:You may want to contact one of the engineers over at Zoomed to find out for sure.


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