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Re: Live Vs Prekilled or thawed

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Posted by Olerok on February 03, 2002 at 10:43:22:

In Reply to: Live Vs Prekilled or thawed posted by Johnny on February 03, 2002 at 04:22:58:

Well. You do realize the risk in feeding live don't you?
Bad stuff that can happen to your snake when feeding live prey:
1. Mouth Rot (alot of cases are caused by live prey)
2. Cuts, bites, scratches and so on. (these are extremely common and most of these incidents seem to get highly infected if not treated)
3. You HAVE TO SATY AND WATCH THE SNAKE EAT OR ELSE.....VOILA...DEAD SNAKE. (If feeding frozen thawed, you can just leave it in the enclosure and thats that. But not live prey).
4. Ultimate Death of the snake. (I've heard and read on many many occasions that someones snake was killed instantaneously by a small mouse who decided to swing a claw at the snake.
5. PARASITES. (some of the worst parasites a snake can get is from captive bred feeder mice or rats).
Good things about feeding live:
1. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Its only entertainment for YOU. And it shouldn't be that way because its not your needs its the snakes needs.

My take is, if your snake will take F/T prey or prekilled then why NOT. It gets rid of a bunch of serious medical problems and relieves stress on the keeper.
People should ONLY feed live if the snake won't take anything else for the moment. Then you move the snake on to F/T.
And people who feed live and leave it unattended should be shot...sorry about that.
A snake thats going to kill prey in the wild has no corners of an enclosure thats its confined to. The prey can run and run forever. There is unlimited space for the prey to run in the wild. In captivity, there is space and the preys tactics change from evasion to aggression and defensive modes. Captivity changes everything.

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