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Artificially incubated cobra eggs hatch - India Press Item

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Inviato da Wes von Papineäu on Giugno 20, 2000 at 12:12:05:

TIMES OF INDIA (New Delhi) 31 May 00 Artificially incubated cobra eggs hatch
Bangalore: Md Anees, the city's well-known snake catcher, has managed to help cobras breed in his house for the first time ever in Karnataka.
The tiny wheat coloured cobras about a feet long coiled inside the eggs slither out laboriously. They look meek and helpless but within a couple of hours after their birth they charge at any intruder hissing noisily, hood open.
Anees points out that they can bite and with fatal results too. Their fangs are developed and they can inject venom lethally.
The 17 snake eggs were collected at NTI Layout, Vidyaranyapura after he caught the mother, on April 30. The mother was a large 5-feet-long ferocious reptile who has since been released in the wild in Bannerghatta National Park.
The snakes were artificially incubated in an indigenously designed glass enclosure where the temperature was kept at a constant of 30 degrees and the relative humidity was preserved at 90.
The little snakes will not eat anything immediately but within a week's time they will feed on new born mice. Once they grow up they'll feed on larger field mice, frogs, toads.
They will be released into the wild after a period of two weeks at either Bannerghatta or Savandurga with the permission of the wildlife authorities.

TIMES OF INDIA (New Delhi) 14 June 00 Snake claims one
Ahmedabad: Gulab Padvi of Velgha village in Nizar taluka in eastern Surat district succumbed to a snake bite on Saturday evening. Gulab had gone to the river for a bath where he was bitten by a snake.

TIMES OF INDIA (New Delhi) 15 June 00 Dies of snake bite
Bangalore : Jalappa (62) of Badami taluk was killed when he was bitten by a snake on Monday. The police said Jalappa had gone to his fields when he was bitten by a snake. He was rushed to the primary health centre where he died.

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