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Re: what size?

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Posted by ALanolis on April 08, 2003 at 12:06:00:

In Reply to: what size? posted by crazyballa17 on April 07, 2003 at 17:40:11:

The optimal size for an Anole population greater than one, is that there be 10 gallons for each Anole present. This will allow for greater range in overall cage size, making gradients easier to create for your convenience, as well as provide ample room for each Anole to assert a foothold on their own basking/hiding/sleeping spots. Especially if you mix sexes. Males are territorial. And though they rarely confront females, they make it well known that they're in charge, so if you have anything mixed with a male, the bigger the cage the better, to allow the subordinate Anoles space to get away from him if they need to. For two Anoles a 20-25 gallon tank would be optimal.


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