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The third eye of some lizards

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Posted by Alphard The Hydrae on March 29, 1999 at 15:47:10:

I would like to have informations for a school project about the third eye of some lizards.
Her are some of my questions:

1. Wich of the lizards are easy to find (possibly in captivity) who have a third eye? (Only a few name will please me)

2. Are there other lizards that the Tuatara that who are a rudimentary cristallin, a rudimentary retina and a nerve connected to the brain?

3. What is the utility of the rydimentary cristallin if the "eye" doesn't need a focus because he don't see anything ?

4. Were there any serious studies about the third eye ?

5. Can we find illustrations of anatomy of the third eye ?
If yes, where I can find theme ?

6. Were can I find more specific information about the third eye?

If you have any other informations about the subject I would appreciate.
Thank you for time consecrated to me.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it's not my primary language.

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