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Confused about UVB! (long)

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Posted by Mic on August 07, 2002 at 09:54:28:

I have always known that UVB is necessary for almost all diurnal reptiles. I was recently made aware that the delivery of these rays can be affected by the bulbs wattage. Therefore, delivery is dependent on the percentage of UVB, but also the wattage, even in trusted products (reptisun). Would it be safe to say that a small (18") florescent bulb of low wattage and relativly high UVB output (i.e.5%) would be equal to or less efficient than a larger (24-36") florescent bulb of higher wattage and lower UVB output (i.e.2%)? So, essentially, two bulbs of the same % UVB could seemingly have different "outputs" or affects based on their wattage the as if one with a higher wattage had a higher "output" than the other. This has me stumped! All this time I've been under the impression that a higher UV output was best no matter what the wattage of the bulb. Any thoughts?

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