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Re: Herp programs in Michigan

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Posted by Jeff on June 09, 2002 at 14:34:23:

In Reply to: Herp programs in Michigan posted by Scott Rieman on April 08, 2002 at 10:39:27:

Even though Glenn is a Wolverine, he's still correct. ;)

I'm a grad student at Mich. State, not in zoology though, and when I was an undergrad (MSU as well) I had a class in herpetology that was within the Zoology department. Good class. In fact, a friend of mine also had the class and now works at a zoo somewhere in California. His degree was Zoology.

Visit the MSU Zoology Department for more info.

I've been attending Mich. State for 9.5 years now, 4 as an undergrad and 5.5 for my Ph.D. and I really have enjoyed my experiences. If you want to end up doing Zoology research or working at a zoo, a large school will probably give you a more specific degree than just "Biological Sciences" at a small school like Albion, Alma, other D3's. Plus the private schools are at least 2x as expensive. MSU also has many off-campus opportunities, with things like classes in Costa Rica, and the Kelloge Biological Station in Battle Creek, MI. Very well supported Zoology program!

Please let me know if you have any more questions and good luck.


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