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Re: Intergrades, Hybrids and morphs...

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Posted by Chris Harper on January 29, 2002 at 09:42:29:

In Reply to: Intergrades, Hybrids and morphs... posted by Royston Hunte on January 21, 2002 at 12:04:08:

There are no sources to define these terms because they have not been clearly defined. Given the difficulties with defining species and subspecies, it follows that hybrids and intergrades would also be difficult.

I should add that the concepts of hybrid and intergrade rarely apply to captive situations.

Biology is full of terms that don't define discreet catergories and/or are artificial constructs. Species, subspecies, hybrids and intergrades seem to be examples of this. Still useful concepts, but not necessary able to be discreetly categorized.

: Does anyone know of any sources, "hard science" which clearly defines what hybrids, intergrades and morphs are? and or any sources for arguments as to the ethics of producing intergrades, hybrids and morphs? and or arguments, thesis documents etc which argue for or against the production of intergrades, hybrids and morphs? Thanks Royston

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