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Posted by TCH on August 09, 2001 at 03:40:02:

In Reply to: Re: What is the best college?? posted by Curtis Eckerman on August 08, 2001 at 13:33:41:

: This is a tough one because there are so many facets to biology and there are so many schools that specialize in different areas.

: While the name of a school may look good on your degree, in biology it is not necessarily about what school you went to but who you trained under and what you have published. This business is all about what you publish and where you publish it. There have been numerous occasions of someone that did not come from a well known college that had a big impact on the field.

: Having said that there are some institutions that are well known in the field for certain areas of biology and it is because of the faculty that they have hired.

: Washington University in St. Louis is considered one of the top schools for Evolutionary biology. Faculty there include people like Jonathan losos (lizard ecology), john larson (salamander evolution and molecular evolution), Templeton (Molecular and macro evolution), etc.... This is a great place for any herpetologist to pursue a career. I might also add that they have one of the best setups for graduate schools in the country.

: I should say too that because the quality of herpetology education at a school depends on its faculty the best places to attend often change as the faculty moves around. For many years there was a great center for herpetology Kansas university but now many of them have moved away.

: So to answer your question about where to decide to go. Find a subject matter you like. Look for the people that are the most outspoken and do the best work in that field and then find out where they are.

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