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Histology of Garter Snake (Thamnophis sp.)

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Posted by James Mahaffy on March 19, 2001 at 16:41:23:


One of our students is doing a light microscopy study of the digestive
system of the garter snake. To help her find more information I
helped her with both a biosis (biological abstracts) and Zoological\
Records search and found almost no information.

Does this mean that there have been few recent studies of the tissue of
the digestive system of these snakes? We do have the older 8 vol set on Biology
of Reptilia by Gans and a more recent two volume set on development in reptiles.
I will point the students to these resources.

But are there some other good sources or are there just few people that look at the
histology of these snakes. This is not my area (paleoecology of Carboniferous coal swamps)
so I do not know the primary literature. I just would suggestions
of places for this student to start looking.


James Mahaffy

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