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Re: Young people and herping. I would like alot of opinions on this.

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Posted by Marcia on October 15, 1999 at 14:06:45:

In Reply to: Young people and herping. I would like alot of opinions on this. posted by John Hewlett on August 07, 1999 at 14:44:11:

I am new to herps, but have had some frogs for about a year, and added my 1st reptiles , a trio of Horned Mtn Dragons, this spring.

I have a 2-year-old granddaughter who loves to help me with my "pets". Froggie was one of her 1st words. She will help me dig through the box of kingworms looking for just the right ones to feed. By the time she was 18 months old, she was asking me to put my little tree dragons on her shirt so she could pet them like "Grandma" does.

She has no fear of any of my critters and has learned very young to be gentle with these small creatures. We now have a snake, to which she initially made her sound for Icky! But now, her mother has a Ball Python and she wants to help with it and pets it as well as our larger rat snake.

I really have to believe that through early exposure to anything children learn acceptance. If more children were taught that these are a valuable part of our environment, and were taught that they aren’t ‘icky’, perhaps we wouldn't see so many species being threatened.

I guess that's more than my 2 cents worth!

: Hi,
: I am preparing a article on young people in the herpetological community.

: Can you give some of your veiws on young people in the herpetological community?

: Thanks John

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