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Re: Bringing animals onto a plane.

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Posted by Roy Stockwell on October 20, 2002 at 01:31:06:

In Reply to: Bringing animals onto a plane. posted by Nebuchadnezza on October 16, 2002 at 10:18:27:

To start with, herps cannot be carried into the cabin and in most cases
will have to be shipped as live cargo. Usually on a different flight.

Secondly, depending on the species, you may require a CITES export permit
from the US. These take months to get, and must be applied for.
CITES species include all Boas and Pythons,Monitors, Crocodillians, tortoises, and Day Geckos
to name a few.
All animals whether CITES or not, must be inspected by US Fish & wildlife prior to leaving the USA.
This is generally only facilitated at what's known as "designated ports" and they exist only at large international centers.

It really isn't too feasible to take a trip and take animals back with you.
Your best approach would be to find a supplier with an export license, and arrange to have them ship
the animals once you get home.

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